
Författare av sex läroböcker och sammanlagt 54 lärobokskapitel i nationell och internationell litteratur.

Redaktör och huvudförfattare i egna läroböcker
Lennquist S: Katastrofmedicin, 1: a upplagan. Liber (Stockholm) 1982 (medicinsk redaktör + författare till 7 kapitel)
Lennquist S: Katastrofmedicin, 2: a upplagan. Liber (Stockholm) 2002 (medicinsk redaktör +författare till 7 kapitel)
Lennquist S: Traumatologi, 1: a upplagan. Liber (Stockholm) 2007 (medicinsk redaktör + författare till 8 kapitel)
Lennquist S: Katastrofmedicin, 3: e upplagan. Liber, Stockholm 2009 (medicinsk redaktör + författare till 9 kapitel)
Lennquist S: Medical Response to Major Incidents & Disasters. Springer, (Berlin/New York) 2011 (Editor + author of 8 chapters)
Lennquist S: Traumatologi, 2: a upplagan. Liber (Stockholm), 2017 (medicinsk redaktör + författare av 9 kapitel)

Författare av kapitel i andra läroböcker
Lennquist S: The laryngeal nerves in endocrine surgery. In: van Heerden J (Ed), Common problems in Endocrine Surgery. Year Book of Medical Publishers 1988; 123- 132
Lennquist S, Smeds S: Gastrointestinala endokrina tumörer. In: Barany/Ihse /Sjödahl (Red), Gastrointestinal cancer, Tika publications 1991; 373- 412
Lennquist S: Thyroidectomy. In: Clark OH (Ed), Textbook in Endocrine Surgery. Saunders 1997: 147- 153
Lennquist S: Surgical management of severely injured patients when resources are limited. In: DeBoer/Dubolouz (Eds), Handbook of Disaster MedicineVSP International Sciences Publishers Lance, 2000.
Lennquist S: The thyroid lobectomy. In: Clark/Duh/ Kebebew (Eds), Textbook in Endocrine Surgery 2: nd Ed, Elsevier 2005; 188- 194
Lennquist S: Response to Major Incidents and Disasters- an important part of trauma management. In: Oestern /Trenz/ Uranues (Eds), European Manual of Medicine: General Trauma Care, Springer, 214; 31- 68

Vetenskapliga publikationer i kronologisk ordning 2023 – 1971

Lennquist S, Örtenwall P, Blimark M, Montán C: Measurable goals for health-care preparedness för mass casualty incidents- a prerequisite for quality assurance and optimal distribution of casualties. Journal of the Royal Swedish Academy or war sciences 2023; 2:91 – 105

Lennquist Montán K, Örtenwall P, Blimark M, Montán C, Lennquist S: A method for detailed determination of surge capacity; a prerequisite for optimal preparedness for mass- casualty incidents. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg 2022;

Lennquist S, Montán C: The need of surgeons in disaster preparedness. Svensk Kirurgi 2021; 2:52 – 54

Faccincani R, Puscussi F, Lennquist S: How to surge to face the SARS CoV-2 outbreak – lessons learned from Lombardy, Italy. Disaster Med Public Health Prep 2020; 4(5) :64 – 68

Ashkenazi I, Lennquist Montán K, Lennquist S: Mass Casualty Incidents – education, simulation and training. In Kluger Y (Ed). Mass Casualty Incidents Management. Springer (Berlin/London/New York) 2020; 16:167- 176

Nylén L, Blimark M, Örtenwall P, Lennquist S: Trauma 2. Journal of the Royal Swedish Academy of War Sciences 2019; 2: 134 - 155

Lennquist Montán K, Riddez L, Lennquist S et al: Assessment of hospital surge capacity using the MACSIM simulation system. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg 2017; 43(4):525 – 539
Lennquist S Traumatologi, 2: nd Ed. Liber (Stockholm) 2017; 1 – 33: 1 - 640

Lennquist Montán K, Örtenwall P, Lennquist S: Assessment of the accuracy of the MRMI-course for interactive training of the response to major incidents and disasters. American J of Dis Med 2015; 10(2) :93-107
Lennquist Montán K, Riddez L, Lennquist S, Olsberg AC, Gryth H, Örtenwall P: A simulation model for assessment of of major hospitals surge capacity and preparedness for major incidents and disasters. Prehosp Disaster Mede 2015; 26: 22 - 23
Lennquist S, Turegano F: Introduction to the 7:th Focus On Disaster & Military Surgery. Euir J Tramaa Emerg Surg 2015; 41: 117 - 118

Lennquist Montán K, Hreckovski B, Dobson R, Lennquist S: Development and evaluation of a new simulation model for interactive training of the medical response to major incidents and disasters. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg 2014; 40:429 – 443
Lennquist S: Response to major incidents and disasters- an important part of trauma management. In: Oestern HJ, Trentz O, Uranueus S (Eds): General trauma care and related aspects. European Manual of Medicine, Springer (Berlin/London/ New York) 2014; 4: 31 – 68.
Turegano F, Lennquist S: Introduction to the 5:th Focus on Disaster & Military Surgery. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg 2014; 40: 419 – 420
Lennquist S: Husum, Ang Fosse- War Surgery, 2: nd ed. Book Review. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg 2014; 40:469 – 472

Turegano F, Lennquist S: Editorial- Disaster & Military Surgery. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg 2013; 39: 105 - 106

Lennquist S (Ed): Medical response to major incidents and disasters. Springer (Berlin/London/New York) 2012;
1 – 19/ 1 - 412 Lennquist S: Major incidents- definitions and demands on the health care system. In: Lennquist (Ed): Medical response to major incidents and disasters. Springer (Berlin/London/New York) 2012; 1:1- 8.
Lennquist S: Major incidents- examples and experiences. In Lennquist S (Ed): Medical response to major incidents and disasters. Springer (Berlin/ London/New York) 2012; 2: 9- 32.
Lennquist S, Dobson R: The prehospital response. In Lennquist S (Ed): Medical response to major incidents and disasters. Springer (Berlin/ London/New York)2012; 3: 63 – 76.
Lennquist S: The hospital response. In Lennquist S (Ed): Medical response to major incidents and disasters. Springer (Berlin/ London/New York) 2012; 5: 33 – 62.
Lennquist S: Incidents caused by physical trauma. In Lennquist S (Ed): Medical response to major incidents and disasters. Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg/New York) 2012; 7: 111- 210.
Lennquist S: Incidents in cold and wet environments. In Lennquist S (Ed): Medical response to major incidents and disasters. Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg/New York)2012; 9: 211- 228.
Lennquist S, Lennquist Montán K: Education And training in disaster medicine. In Lennquist S (Ed): Medical response to major incidents and disasters. Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg/New York) 2012; 18: 379 – 398.
Lennquist S: Development and research in disaster medicine. In Lennquist S (Ed): Medical response to major incidents and disasters. Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg/New York) 2012 19: 399 - 406.
Lennquist S Introduction to the fourth Focus On issue devoted to Disaster & Military Surgery. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg 2012;38 -: 83 - 84

Lennquist Montán K, Khorram-Manesh A, Örtenwall P, Lennquist S: Comparative study of physiological and anatomical triage in major incidents using a new simulation model. Am J Disaster Med 2011; 6(5): 289 – 298
Lennquist Montán K, Bemelman M, Dobson B, Hreckovski B, Lennquist S: ESTES postgraduate course for training of medical response to major incidents. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg 2011; S1: 52 – 53
Lennquist S: Introduction to the third focus- on issue specially devoted to papers within the field of ESTES section for Disaster & Military Surgery. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg 2011; 37/1: 3 - 8

Lennquist Montán K, Khorram-Manesh A, Örtenwall P, Lennquist S: Experiences from a new simulation model designed both for training and evaluation of methodology in major incident response. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg 2010; S1: 111 – 112

Lennquist Montán K, Khorram-Manesh A, Örtenwall P, Lennquist S: Prehosp Disaster Med 2009; 24(2) 144 – 145
Lennquist S: Katastrofmedicin 3: d Ed. Liber (Stockholm) 2009; 1 – 22: 1 – 448
Lennquist S: Introduction to the second Focus on Disaster & Military Surgery. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg 2009: 199 - 200

Lennquist S: Focus on disaster medicine. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg 2008; 34(5): 425 - 426
Lennquist S, Hodgetts T: Evaluation of the Response of the Swedish Healthcare System to the Tsunami Disaster in South East Asia. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg 2008; 34(5): 465-485
Lennquist S: Protocol for reports from major accidents in disaster medicine. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg 2008; 486 - 492

Lennquist S: Management of major accidents and disasters – an important responsibility for the trauma surgeon. J Trauma 2007; 62: 1321 – 1329
Lennquist S: Traumatologi 1:st ed. Liber (Stockholm) 2007: 1-31: 1 - 610

Olofsson P, Abu-Zidan FM, Wang J, Wikstrom T, Lennquist S. The effects of early rapid control of multiple bowel perforations after high-energy trauma to the abdomen: Implications for damage control surgery. J Trauma 2006; 61: 185-91.

Lennquist S: Education and training in disaster medicine. Scand J Surg 2006; 94(4): 300-310
Lennquist S: The thyroid lobectomy. In Clark OH, Duh Q (Eds): Textbook in endocrine surgery, 2: nd ed. Elsevier 2005; 21¨188 – 194
Lennquist S: The Tsunami disaster- new lessons learned and od lessons to be learned better. Int J Disaster Med 2005; 3: 71 - 73

Lennquist S: The importance of maintaining simplicity in planning and preparation for major incidents and disasters. Int J Disaster Med 2004;2: (1-2) 5-8
Abu-Zidan F, Sjosten A-K, Wang J, al-Ayoubi F, Lennquist S: Establishment of a teaching animal model for sonographic diagnosis of trauma. J Trauma 2004; 56: 99-104.

Lennquist S : Promotion of disaster medicine to a scientific discipline – a slow and painful but necessary process. Int J Disaster Med 2003; 2: 95-99 Lennquist S: Education and training in disaster medicine - time for a scientific approach. Int J Disaster Med 2003; 1: 9 - 12
Bashir MO, Abu-Zidan F, Lennquist S: Will the damage-control concept influence the principles for setting priorities for severely traumatized patients in disaster situations? International Journal of Disaster Medicine 2003; 1: 97-102.

Lennquist S. Experience from five years international training of Swedish trauma teams. Scand J Trauma Emerg Med 2002; 10:200-203
Lennquist S: Katastrofmedicin 2:nd ed. Liber (Stockholm) 2002; 1- 15: 1- 468

Gunnarsson M, Walther S, Seidal T, Lennquist S: Effects of inhalation of corticosteroids immediately after chlorine gas chlorine gas lung injury. J Trauma 2000; 4: 101 – 107
Lennquist S: Surgical management of severely injured patients when resources are limited. In De Boer J, Duboulouz M(Eds): Handbook of disaster management. VSP International Sciences Publishers 2000; 1:4- 32
Harness JK, Barraclough BH, Fujimoto Y, van Heerden J, Goode AW, Lennquist S, Rosen I, Proye C: Future of thyroid surgery and training of thyroid surgeons to meet the expectations of 2000 and beyond. World J Surg 2000; 24: 976 -982

Shi W, Walther S, Lennquist S: Pulmonary dynamics of radio - labelled erythrocytes and leucocytes in early gram - negative sepsis. Eur J Surg 1999; 165: 10 – 15
Lennquist S, Norberg KA: Framtiden ställer nya krav på katastrofmedicinsk kunskap. Läkartidningen (Sw) 1999: 96/43: 345 – 349
Lennquist S: Which factors influence the time from submitting of a manuscript to publication? Eur J Surg 1999; 165: 403 - 406

Karlsson H, Abu-Zidan F, Walther S, Lennquist S: Heparin ameliorates pulmonary hypertension induced by platelet-activating factor in pigs. Thromb Res 1998; 90: 223-228.
Gunnarsson M, Walther S, Seidal S, Bloom G, Lennquist S: Exposure to chlorine gas – effects on pulmonary function and morphology. J Appl Toxicol 1998; 507 – 509
Lennquist S, Rüter A, Smeds S: Value of serum thyroglobulin measurement in patients operated on for well differentiated thyroid carcinoma. Eur J Surg 1998; 164: 665 - 671

Abu-Zidan F, Walther S, Lennquist S: Lexipafant (BB-882), a new potential platelet-activating factor receptor antagonist. Cardiovascular drug reviews 1997; 15:232-243
Abu-Zidan F, Walther S, Lennquist S: Role of platelet activating factor on cardiovascular dysfunction in postischemic shock. Eur Surg Res 1997; 29: 133 – 141
Lennquist S: Thyroidectomy. In: Clark OH (Ed): Textbook in endocrine surgery. Saunders 1997; 20: 147 – 153
Lennquist S: Thyroidectomy. In Clark OH (Ed) Textbook in endocrine surgery, 1:st ed. Saunders 1997; 147 - 153
Nishiyama R, Rüter A, Lennquist S: Tall cell variant of papillary thyroid cancer – a disregarded entity? World J Surg 1997; 21: 15 – 21
Nishiyama R, Dreifus H, Rüter A, Lennquist S: Overexpression of p53 in tall cell variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma. Surgery 1997; 120/6: 1040 – 1050
Lennquist S, Risberg B: Satsa mer på traumaforskning. Läkartidningen (Sw) 1997; 41: 3603 – 3605

Abu-Zidan F, Walther S, Lennquist S: Role of platelet activating factor antagonism in posthemmoragic septic shock. J Trauma 1996; 634 – 640
Abu-Zidan F, Walther S, Lennquist S: BB-882 is a potent antagonist to hemodynamic changes induced by platelet - activating factor. Pharmacol Toxicol 1996; 78:23- 27
Lennquist S: Early recurrence of hyperthyroidism in patients with Grave´s disease treated by subtotal thyroidectomy. Invited Commentary.World J Surgery 1996; 20: 381 – 382
Lennquist S: Surgical treatment of Grave´s disease in patients younger than 18 years. Invited commentary. World J Surgery 20: 794-799

Abu-Zidan F, Walther S, Lennquist S: Role of platelet- activating factor antagonism in hemorrhagic shock. Eur Surg Res 1995; 27;379-388

Abu-Zidan F, Walther S, Lennquist S: Modulation of lung injury by platelet-activating factor in non - hypotensive sepsis. Circ Shock 1994; 44: 148 – 153
Ander S, Johansson K, Smeds S, Lennquist S: Human parathyroid blood supply determined by laser- doppler flowmetry. World J Surg 1994; 18: 417 – 421

Walther S, Berg S, Jansson I, Olsson- Rex L, Lennquist S: Corticosteroid by aerosol in septic pigs: Effects on pulmonary function and oxygen transport. Intensive Care Medicine 1993; 19: 155 – 160

Berg S, Hesselvik F, Jansson I, Lennquist S. Walther S: Hyaluronan: Relationships to hemodynamic impact and survival in sepsis. Critical Care Medicine 1992; 29: 1315 – 1321
Lennquist S, Andåker A, Johansson K, Smeds S: Surgery for hyperthyroidism -hemithyroidectomy plus contralateral resection or bilateral resection? A prospective study with regard to postoperative complications and long-term results. World J Surg 1992; 16: 765 - 769
Proye C, Carnaille C, Hossein-foucher C, Lecouffe P, Lennquist S: Détection nucléaire per-opératoire a la 125 I métaiodobenzyl-guanidine des phéochromocytomes et de leurs métastasés. Lyon Chir 1992; 88/2: 136 139
Walther S, Berg S, Jansson I, Lennquist S: Pulmonary granulocyte accumulation is reduced by nebulized corticosteroids in sepsis. Acta Anestesiol Scand 1992; 36: 651 - 655

Walther S, Jansson I, Lennquist S: Preceding trauma reduces the degree of repiratory dysfunction in sepsis. Eur J Surg 1991; 157; 443-448
Smeds S, Lennquist S: The hypermetabolic syndrome. Surgical Endocrinology 1991; 9: 127-158
Lennquist S, Smeds S: Gastrointestinal endocrine tumors. Gatrointestinal Cancer (Eds: Barany F, Ihse I, Sjödahl S) 1991: 24: 373-412
Walther S, Gunnarsson M, Jansson I: Nebulized corticosteroid improves pulmonary function and outcome in experimental septicemia. Acta Anestesiol Scand 1991; 35: 635-641

Lennquist S, Andåker L, Lindwall B, Smeds S: Combined cervicothoracic approach in thymectomy for Myasthenia Gravis. Acta Chir Scand 1990; 156: 53-61
Lennquist S: L ́Enseignement de la medecine de catastrophe en Suéde. European Medecine de Catastrophe 1990; 108-110
Lennquist S, Andåker L, Johansson K, Smeds S: Hemithyroidectomy plus contralateral resection or subtotal bilateral resection in hyperthyroidism? Acta Chir Scand 1990; 156: 68-74
Johansson K, Lennquist S, Smeds S: Blood supply of the parathyroid glands. Svensk Kirurgi 1990; 48: 46-47
Walther S, Jansson I, Olsson L, Lennquist S: Inhaled corticosteroid improves pulmonary function in sepsis: Critical Care Medicine 1990; 148-149

Bäckstrand B, Jansson I, Walther S, Lennquist S: Nebulized corticosteroid in experimental respiratory distress. Progr Clin Biol Research 1989: 38: 867- 871
Walther S, Jansson I, Lennquist S: Early aerosol steroid therapy in experimental ARDS. World J Emerg Dis Med 1989; 139-140
Jansson I, Walter S, Lennquist S: Trauma blunts the development of septic ARDS. Thrombosis and hemostasis, 1989: 596-599
Smeds S, Boeryd B, Jörtsö E, Lennquist S: Normal and stimulated growth of human thyroid tissue in nude mice. Frontiers of Hormonal Research 1989; 18: 98-108

Jörtsö E, Norby K, Smeds S, Lennquist S: The influence of remnant size, antithyroid antibodies, thyroid morphology, lymphocyte infiltration and thyroid function after subtotal resection for hyperthyroidism. World J Surg 1988; 10:6-9
Smeds S, Gerber HP, Jörtsö E, Studer S, Lennquist S ́: Effects of thyroxine on cell proliferation in human multinodular goiter. World J Surgery 1988; 12: 24-245
Lennquist S, Persliden J, Smeds S: The value of peroperative scintigraphy as routine procedure in thyroid carcinoma. World J Surgery 1988; 12: 586- 592 (Appointed to Selected Readings in General Surgery 1988)
Lovén L, Larsson J, Lennquist S: The effects of beta- adrenergic blockade on serum phosphate and plasma catecholamines after high energy missile trauma. J Trauma 1988; 28:220-226
Smeds S. Lennquist S: The role of aspiration cytology in the management of thyroid nodules. Eur J Clin Oncol 1988; 24: 293-297
Lennquist S: The laryngeal nerves in thyroid surgery. Year book of Medical Publishers 1988; 123- 132
Johansson L, Norrby K, Lennquist S: Fluorescin angiography for evaluation of intestinal intramural hematoma in abdominal missile injury. J Trauma 1988; 194-197
Jansson I, Hetland O, Prydz H, Lennquist S: Effects of phospholipase C, a tissue thromboplastin inhibitor, on pulmonary microembolism after missile injury in the limb. J Trauma 1988; 28: 222- 225
Lennquist S: Partial superior laryngeal nerve injury (SLN) lesions before and after thyroid surgery- invited commentary. World J Surgery 1988; 12: 526-527
Lennquist S: Sternotomy in endocrine surgery – indications, technique and results. Svensk Kirurgi 1988; 46: 65-67
Lennquist S, Andåker L: Re-operation in recurrent or persistent hyperparathyroidism. Svensk Kirurgi 1988; 46: 109-111
Jönsson B, Andåker L, Jönsson B, Lovén L, Lennquist S: Does routine biopsy of normal parathyroids increase the risk of postoperative hypocalcemia? Svensk Kirurgi 1988; 46: 65-166
Andåker L, Lennquist S: Calcitonin- resistant hypercalcemic crisis. Svensk Kirurgi 46:78

Bäckstrand B, Jansson I, Walther S: Steroids given intrapulmonary versus intravenous in respiratory distress syndrome. Acta Anestesiol Scand 1987; 86: 130-133
Lennquist S, Cahlin C, Smeds S: The superior laryngeal nerve in thyroid surgery. Surgery 1987; 102: 999- 1008. (Appointed to Selected Readings of General Surgery 1987. Presentation rewarded with World Congress of Surgery poster price).
Lennquist S: The thyroid nodule. Surgical clinics of North America 1987; 67: 213-230

Madsen M, Lovén L, Smeds S., Tegler L, Lennquist S: The low T3- syndrome and impaired thyroid protein synthesis in severe trauma. Acta Chir Scand 1986; 152: 91-96
Madsen M, Smeds S, Lennquist S: Relationships between thyroid hormone and catecholamines in severe trauma. Acta Chir Scand 1986; 152: 413-419
Madsen M, Smeds S, Tegler L, Lennquist S: Effects of portal glucose infusion on thyroid hormone levels after high energy trauma. Acta Chir Scand 1986; 152: 487-492
Madsen M, Smeds S, Tegler L, Lennquist S: Thyroid hormone monodeiodination in trauma. Arch Surg 1986; 70-87
Lennquist S, Hedman L, Karlberg B: The value of the clonidine suppression test in the diagnosis of phaeochromocytoma. World J Surgery 1986; 10: 753-761
Lennquist S, Persliden J, Smeds S: Intraoperative scintigraphy in surgical treatment of thyroid carcinoma. World J Surgery 1986; 10:711-717
Lennquist S, Cahlin C, Smeds S: The superior laryngeal nerve in thyroid surgery. Svensk Kirurgi 1986: 44: 81-82
Lovén L, Larsson L, Nordström H, Lennquist S: Serum phosphate and 2,3- Diphospho-glycerate in severe burns after phosphate supplementation. J Trauma 1986; 26:348-352
Lovén L, Jansson I, Larsson L, Lund N, Lennquist S: High energy phosphate and surface oxygen pressure fields in skeletal muscle after high-energy trauma. International Journal of Microcirculation 1986; 6:55- 45
Jansson I, Bäckstrand B, Rammer L, Lennquist S: The effect of corticosteroids in respiratory distress syndrome caused by trauma and sepsis. Svensk Kirurgi 1986: 47-48
Lennquist S: Surgical strategy in thyroid carcinoma. Acta Chir Scand 1986; 152: 321-338
Lennquist S: Insulinoma of the pancreatic head: Results from two different surgical strategies. Acta Chir Scand 1986; 152: 217-221
Bäckstrand B, Jansson I, Rammer L, Lennquist S: Platelet aggregation and pulmonary trapping in respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)n induced by trauma and sepsis. Microcirculation, 1986. 12: 201-208
Lennquist S: Scintigraphie per-operatoire dans la chirurgie du cancer thyridien. Chirurgie (Fr) 1986; 112: 552-556

Jansson I, Rammer L, Lennquist S: Pulmonary trapping of 51- Cr- labelled platelets and 125-I- labelled fibrinogen after musculoskeletal trauma. J Trauma 1985; 25: 288-298
Nyström PO, Johansson L, Skau T, Lennquist S.: Microbiologic progression of post- traumatic peritonitis. J Trauma 1985; 25: 798-801
Lennquist S, Jansson I, Lovén L: A new experimental model for studies on the respiratory distress syndrome after standardized trauma. Acta Chir Scand 1985; 526: 104-109
Lovén L, Larsson L, Lindell B, Sjöberg HE, Lennquist S: The effect of propranolol on post- traumatic hypophosphatemia and catecholamine secretion. Acta Chir Scand 1985; 151: 201-204
Jansson I, Rammer L, Lennquist S: Experimental posttraumatic microembolism. Acta Chir Scand 1985; 151: 201-204
Lovén J, Larsson J, Liljedahl SO, Lennquist S: Metabolism and nutrition: Clinical significance of burn induced hypophosphatemia. Bulletin & Clinical Review of Burn Injuries 1985; 2: 11-13
Jansson I, Lovén L, Rammer L, Lennquist S: Pulmonary trapping of platelets and fibrin after musculoskeletal trauma – a model to detect and quantify posttraumatic pulmonary microembolism. World J Emerg Disaster Med 1985; 3:210-213
Jansson I, Eriksson R, Rammer R, Lennquist S: Importance of early fracture stabilization in preventing posttraumatic pulmonary microembolism. World J Emerg Disaster Med 1985; 3: 214- 218
Jansson I, Bäckstrand B, Rammer L, Lennquist S: Posttraumatic respiratory distress syndrome and high-dose corticosteroids. Acta Chir Scand 1985; 526: 104-109
Lennquist S, Jansson I, Carlsson C: Multiply injured patients - factors correlated to mortality and complications. Acta Chir Scand 1985; 527: 4-6
Jörtsö E, Anderberg B, Smeds S, Lennquist S: Betablockers compared to antithyroid drugs as preoperative treatment in thyroid surgery – drug tolerance, complications and postoperative thyroid function. Surgery 1985; 98: 1141- 1146 (Appointed to “Selected readings in General Surgery” 1985)
Lennquist S: Safe total thyroidectomy. American College of Surgeons Video Library. Presented at the annual ACS congress October 1985.

Johansson L, Jönsson A, Norrby K, Nyström PO, Lennquist S: Intramural hemorrhage of the intestine from missile trauma- clinical classification and prognosis. Acta Chir Scand 1984; 150: 51- 56
Johansson L, Jönsson A, Norrby K, Lennquist S: Intramural hemorrhage of the intestine after blunt abdominal trauma. Acta Chir Scand 1984; 150: 65-72
Johansson L, Lennquist S: The value of intravenous fluorescin injection in the evaluation of intestinal intramural hemorrhage after trauma. Acta Chir Scand 1984; 150:57-61
Nyström PO, Skau T, Lennquist S: Intraoperative irrigation of the peritoneal cavity with ampicillin in experimental posttraumatic peritonitis. Acta Chir Scand 1984; 150: 45-50
Jansson I, Bäckstrand B, Rammer L, Lennquist S: Effects of methylprednisolone on the development of experimental posttraumatic pulmonary microembolism. Arch Emerg Med 1984; 3: 181-182
Smeds S, Madsen M, Rüter A, Lennquist S: Evaluation of preoperative diagnosis and surgical management of thyroid tumors. Acta Chir Scand 1984; 150: 513-519
Lennquist S, Eriksson UB, Borop S, Ståhl E, Tegler L, Thorell JI: Serum thyreoglobulin in thyroid carcinoma. Acta Chir Scand 1984; 150: 367-354
Lovén L, Larsson J, Lennquist S: Hypophosphatemia and disturbed phosphate metabolism in alcoholic pancreatitis. Acta Chir Scand 1984; 150: 269-271
Lovén L, Nordström H, Lennquist S: Changes in calcium and phosphate and their regulating hormones in patients with severe burn injuries. Scand J Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery 1984; 18: 49-53
Jansson I, Hetland O, Rammer L, Lennquist S: Early infusion of phospholipase C in experimental shock-lung syndrome. European Shock Society Proceedings 1984; 19-24
Lovén L, Larsson J, Lennquist S: Disturbed phosphate metabolism and the effect of phosphate supplementation in severe trauma. Arch Emerg Med 1984; 3: 187-189
Bondesson AG, Grimelius L, Lennquist S, Malmaeus J, Rastad J: Surgical treatment of hyperparathyrodism. Svensk Kirurgi 1984; 2–7

Lovén L, Jansson I, Larsson L, Lennquist S: Post-traumatic hypophosphatemia and urinary phosphate excretion with and without phosphate supplementation. Acta Chir Scand 1983; 149: 233- 238
Lovén L, Andersson E, Larsson L, Lennquist S: Muscular high energy phosphate and red cell 2,3 DPG in post-traumatic hypophosphatemia. Acta Chir Scand 1983; 149:735-741
Lovén L, Larsson J, Liljedahl SO, Lennquist S: Hypophosphatemia and muscle phosphate metabolism in severely injured patients. Acta Chir Scand 1983; 149:743- 749
Lovén L, Larsson J, Lennquist S. Phosphate homeostasis and muscle phosphate metabolism after trauma. Min and Electrolyte Metabolism 1983; 3: 173-175
Toss G, Larsson L, Tegler B, Lennquist S: On the course of hypercalcemia in in untreated hyperparathyroidism. Acta Chir Scand 1983; 516: 14-16
Lennquist S, Hedman L, Karlberg B: The clonidine suppression test as a diagnostic aid in phaeochromocytoma. Acta Chir Scand 1983; 516: 66-67
Jansson I. Eriksson R, Rammer L, Lennquist S: Pulmonary trapping of CR-51-labeled platelets and I-125 labeled fibrin in the diagnosis of ARDS. Scand J Lab Invest 1983; 43:165-166
Johansson L, Lennquist S: Injection of fluorescin for evaluation of submucosal hematomas of the intestines after trauma. Svensk Kirurgi 1983; 41: 136-137
Lennquist S, Madsen M, Smeds S: Experiences of hemithyroidectomy as standard treatment for benign thyroid tumours. Svensk Kirurgi 1983; 41: 47-48
Johansson L, Nyström PO, Lennquist S: Intraoperative saline irrigation of the peritoneal cavity in posttraumatic peritonitis. Acta Chir Scand 1983; 149: 27- 29
Anderberg B, Jörtsö, Lundström S, Smeds S, Lennquist S: Thyroid function after surgery for hyperparathyroidism – comparison between preoperative treatment with betablockers and antithyroid drugs. Svensk Kirurgi 1983; 41: 69-70
Lennquist S, Tegler L, Hjelm H: Treatment of endocrine ophtalmopathy. Svensk Kirurgi 41: 71-72
Toss G, Tegler L, Tilling B, Lennquist S: Asymptomatic primary hyperparathyroidism - a prospective randomized study. Svensk Kirurgi 41: 73-74
Lennquist S, Nilsson O: Results from preoperative diagnosis of insulin producing pancreatic tumours. Svensk Kirurgi 1983; 41: 76-78
Elton M, Lennquist S: Subcutaneous implantation of antabus in chronic ethylism - results from a double - blind study. Svensk Kirurgi 1983; 41: 112-113
Jansson I, Rammer L, Lennquist S: Effects of a thromboplastin inhibitor in respiratory distress syndrome. Svensk Kirurgi 1983; 41: 140-141

Lovén L, Gidlöf A, Larsson L, Lennquist S: Changes in serum phosphate and calcitonin concentrations during elective surgery of the knee. Acta Chir Scand 1982; 148: 27-31
Lovén L, Larsson L, Nordström H, Sjöberg HE, Lennquist S: Traumatically induced hypophosphatemia in anesthetized pigs. Acta Chir Scand 1982; 149: 21-25
Lovén L, Larsson L, Sjöberg HE, Lennquist S: Effect of betablocking agents on intraoperative changes in in serum phosphate. Acta Chir Scand 1982; 148:339-344
Lovén L, Larsson L, Lund N, Lennquist S: Changes in serum phosphate and erythrocyte 2,3- DPG after missile injury to the limb. Acta Chir Scand 1982; 508:261-263
Lovén L, Larsson L, Liljedahl SO, Lennquist S: Systemic metabolic effects observed in muscle tissue after high energy missile trauma. Acta Chir Scand 1982; 508: 323-326
Lovén L, Larsson L, Liljedahl SO, Lennquist S: Phosphate metabolism in severe trauma. Clinical Nutrition 1982; 55-57
Eneström S, Berman B, Risberg B Lennquist S: Evaluation of thyroid scintigraphic lesions by whole-organ section and autoradiography. Acta Path Microbiol Immunol Scand 1982; 90: 12-26
Nyström PO, Johansson L, Lennquist S: The role of saline lavage in the contaminated abdomen. Acta Chir Scand 1982; 502: 88-89
Johansson L, Norrby K, Nyström PO, Lennquist S: Intramural hemorrhage of the intestine as an indirect effect of missile trauma. Acta Chir Scand 1982; 148: 15-19
Johansson L, Holmström A, Norrby K, Nyström PO, Lennquist S: Intramural hematoma of the intestine after missile trauma- classification and prognosis. Acta Chir Scand 1982; 508: 175-177
Nyström PO, Johansson L, Lennquist S: Effects of saline irrigation on bacterial populations in the abdomen subjected to missile trauma. Acta Chir Scand 1982; 508: 289-293
Lennquist S, Johansson L, Nyström PO: Drainage of the abdominal cavity after abdominal missile trauma - comparison of intestinal damage of three different evacuation systems. Acta Chir Scand 1982; 508: 371-372
Jansson I, Liljedahl SO, Rammer L, Lennquist S: Post-traumatic respiratory failure after high velocity missile injury of the limb. Acta Chir Scand 1982; 508: 345-349
Jansson I, Eriksson R, Liljedahl SO, Lovén L, Lennquist S: Primary fracture immobilization as a method to prevent posttraumatic pulmonary changes. Acta Chir Scand 1982; 148: 329-338
Larsson L, Ronquist G, Schildt B, Sjöberg HE, Sörbo S, Lennquist S: Hypophosphatemia - a disregarded electrolyte dysfunction. Läkartidningen 1982; 4754–4758
Lovén L, Gidlöf A, Larsson L, Lennquist S: Changes in serum phosphate and calcitonin concentrations during elective surgery of the knee. Acta Chir Scand 1982; 148: 27-31
Johansson L, Nyström PO, Norrby K, Jönsson A, Lennquist S: Late perforation of the intestine after blunt abdominal trauma. Traffic Medicine 1982; 1: 143-145
Jansson I, Schildt B, Lennquist S: A review of road accident casualties treated in an intensive care unit 1976 – 1980. Traffic medicine 1982; 1: 103-106
Jansson I, Schildt B, Lennquist S: Adult respiratory distress syndrome after road accidents – a retrospective study. Traffic Medicine 1982; 1: 140-142
Lennquist S: Surgical treatment of hyperthyroidism. Educational video. Audio-visual Center, University Hospital, Linköping 1982.
Lennquist S: Surgical treatment of benign tumours of the thyroid gland. Educational video. Audio- visual Center, University hospital, Linköping 1982.
Lennquist S: Surgical treatment of insulin producing tumours of the pancreatic gland. Educational video. Audio- visual Center, University Hospital, Linköping 1982
Lennquist S: Surgery of the parathyroid glands. Educational video. Audio-visual Center, University Hospital, Linköping 1982
Lennquist S: Transthoracal adrenalectomy in phaeochromocytoma. Audio-visual Center, University Hospital, Linköping 1982.
Lennquist S: Katastrofmedicin 1:st ed. Liber (Stockholm) 1982; 1- 15: 1-550
Lennquist S: Diagnoses and management of abdominal injuries in multi-traumatized patients. Traffic Medicine 1982; 1: 122-126
Lennquist S, Alm E: Training of hospital staff in medical treatment on site after traffic accidents, Traffic Medicine 1982; 1: 96-98
Lennquist S: Where, how, and by whom are thyroid tumours in Sweden operated today? Svensk Kirurgi 1982; 41: 48-49

Lovén L, Liljedahl SO, Nordström H, Sjöberg HE, Lennquist S: Hypophosphatemia in severe burns and the effect och phosphate substitution therapy. Acta Chir Scand 1981; 506:72-74
Jansson I, Eriksson R, Jorfeldt L, Liljedahl SO, Rammer L, Lennquist S: Effects of primary fracture fixation on pulmonary changes in anesthetized pigs. Acta Chir Scand 1981;506: 345-349
Nyström PO, Johansson L, Lennquist S: The role of saline lavage in the acutely contaminated abdomen following penetrating trauma. Acta Chir Scand 1980; 502: 88-89

Granberg PO, Lennquist S: Endocrine response in man in cold environment. Medical Publishers (Russia) 1980; 12:1- 5
Ingemansson S, Lennquist S, Berg M, Ericsson M, Sundler F: Pentagastrin induced calcitonin release in patients with insulin producing pancreatic tumours. Svensk Kirurgi 1980; 38: 37-38
Lovén L, Lindell B, Sjöberg HE, Lennquist S: Effect of beta blockade in trauma-induced hypophosphatemia. Svensk Kirurgi 1980; 38:191-192

Johansson L, Holmström A, Norrby K, Lennquist S: Intestinal hematoma due to abdominal missile wounds – pathophysiology and principles of treatment. Acta Chir Scand 1979; 489: 211-213
Lindell B, Gidlöf A, Nordström H, Lennquist S (1979) Experimental hypophosphatemia. Svensk Kirurgi 37: 240-241
Toss G, Arnqvist H, Lennquist S: Familial hypercalcemia with hypercalciuria. Svensk Endokrinologi 1979; 29:162-163
Lennquist S, Lysholm J, Loven L, Rüter A: Incidents, distribution, diagnosis and treatment of thyroid carcinoma in the Linköping region (Sweden) 1970 – 79. Svensk Kirurgi 1979; 37: 241-242
Lennquist S, Nyström PO, Sjödahl R, Gidlöf A: Laboratory for self- studies in training in surgery for medical students. Svensk Kirurgi 37; 272-273
Ingemansson S, Reichart W, Lennquist S: False negative catheterisation of pancreatic vein in insulin producing pancreatic tumour. Svensk Kirurgi 1979; 37; 242-243
Lennquist S, Gidlöf A, Larsson L, Nordström H (1979): Changes in the calcium phosphate balance and its regulating mechanisms in surgical trauma Svensk Kirurgi 37:242-243
Nordström H, Lindell B, Sjöberg H E, Lennquist S: Hypophosphatemia in severe burns - a prospective study. Acta Chir Scand 1979; 145: 1-7
Smeds S, Eneström S, Lennquist S (1979): Intraoperative perfusion fixation of thyroid tumours for improved morphologic and functional diagnosis. Svensk Kirurgi 1979; 37:253-254
Nyström PO, Johansson L, Lennquist S (1979): The value of abdominal irrigation in penetrating intestinal injuries. Svensk Kirurgi 37:255-256
Johansson L, Holmström, Norrby K, Lennquist S: Risk for perforation & treatment principles of submucosal bleedings in the intestinal wall in abdominal trauma. Svensk Kirurgi 1979; 37: 256-258

Lennquist S: Re-structuring of Scandinavian Surgical Society. Svensk Kirurgi 1978; 36: 13-19
Johansson L, Holmström A, Norrby K, Lennquist S (1978): Pressure induced lesions in the intestinal wall in severe abdominal trauma. Svensk Kirurgi 36: 182-183

Nordström H, Lindell B, Sjöberg H E, Lennquist S: Hypophosphatemia in severe burns - a prospective study. Acta Chir Scand 1977 145; 1-7
Gierup J, Larsson M, Lennquist S (1977): Horse riding – a dangerous sport? (1977) Läkartidningen 51: 4608–4613

Lennquist S, Granberg PO, Nordström H, Norlén H (1976): Urolithiasis with primary hyperparathyroidism- a one-year screening. Scand J Urol Nephrol 10: 239-242
Askergren J, Reizenstein P, Lennquist S (1976): Splenectomy in severe thrombotic thromobocytenic purpura. Svens Kirurgi 33: 166-167
Lindell B, Granberg PO, Ivemark B, Lennquist S (1976): Parathyroid carcinoma. Svensk Kirurgi 33: 2-4
Klominek J, Granberg PO, Lindell B, Lennquist S (1976): Causes of death in primary hyperparathyroidism. Svensk Kirurgi 33: 5-6
Lennquist S, Granberg PO, Jonansson G, Lindell B (1976): Multipel endocrine adenoses in patients with parathyroid hyperplasia. Svensk Kirurgi 33:7
Lennquist S, Hagelin KW, Nordström H: A new instrument for simplified cricothyroidotomy. Svensk Kirurgi 33: 15-16

Lennquist S: Urinary excretion of hydroxyprolines in man under the influence of cols. Scand J Lab Invest 1975; 35: 103-107
Lennquist S: The significance of local malignant lesions of the neck diagnosed incidentally during parathyroid exploration. Acta Chir Scand 1975; 141: 721-724
Nordström H, Sjöberg HE, Lennquist S (1975): Variations in serum phosphate in severe burns. Svensk Kirurgi 33: 5-6

Lennquist S: Fluid balance and physical work capacity in humans exposed to cold. Archives of Environmental Health 1974; 29:241-249
Lennquist S, Fröberg J, Karlsson CG, Levi L, Mathé A, Theorell T: Renal and adrenal function: a comparison between the responses to cold and to psychosocial stressors in human subjects. Lab of Clin Stress Research 1974; 40: 1-27
Lennquist S, Hjern H, Nordström H, Norlén H (1974): Incidence of primary hyperparathyroidism in 1972 urolithasis at Karolinska Hospital 1972. Svensk Kirurgi 31: 42-43

Granberg P O, Lennquist S, Löw H , Werner S: Effects of antidiuretic hormone, dexamethasone and ethinyl-estradiol in human subjects in a climatic chamber under standardized conditions. Sw J Def Med 1972; 8: 109-124
Lennquist S, Lamke LO, Liljedahl S O, Wedin B: The influence of cold stress on catecholamine excretion and oxygen uptake in normal persons. Scand J Clin Lab invest 1972; 30: 57-62
Lennquist S: Cold induced diuresis, a study with special reference to electrolyte excretion, osmolar balance and hormonal changes. Scand J Urol & Nephrol, 1972; Suppl 9

Lennquist S, Granberg P O, Wedin B: Renal electrolyte excretion and osmolar balance in human subjects. Sw J Def Med 1971; 7:108-124
Lennquist S: Sodium reabsorption in cold induced diuresis. Sw J Def Med 1971; 7-125-139
Lennquist S, Granberg P O, Löw H, Werner S: Changes in calcium, phosphate and magnesium homeostasis under standardized cold stress. Sw J Def Med 1971; 7: 202-212
Granberg P O, Lennquist S, Löw H, Werner S: Hormonal changes during cold diuresis. Sw J Def Med 1971; 7: 191-201
Lennquist S. Granberg PO, Wedin B (1971): Renal function under the influence of cold. Nordisk Medicine 85:190-91

Övriga publikationer
Lennquist S: ”Det som du kan ge och det som du kan göra …” Lennmed förlag, 2018. Distributör: Stjärndistribution (

Senaste utkomna böckerna


”Traumatologi”. Liber 2017, 640 sid. Avsedd för såväl grundutbildning som specialister. Beskriver i detalj omhändertagandet av alla typer av skador genom hela behandlingskedjan: Skadeplats, transport, akutmottagning, operation och intensivvård. Inbunden, rikt illustrerad i färg.


”Det som du kan ge och det som du kan göra…”. Lennmed 2018, 320 sid. En bild ”från insidan” av svensk sjukvård och krisberedskap baserad på författarens breda erfarenhet och förmedlande med en blandning av humor och djupt allvar. Inbunden, rikt illustrerad i färg.